Location & Library Tour
The library is housed in an autonomous four-storey building, located between the departments of Mathematics & Physics. The main entrance is located next to the Department of Physics (Aristotle Conference Center). The buildings ( library & Mathematics) attachment, offers a secondary entrance through the Mathematics dept. 3rd floor corridor.
The Library's 1st Floor houses the numerous bookcases in two seperate Book Rooms 1 & 2 , which hold the Library's Collection almost in its entirety. Book Room 2 holds the textbooks & rare books collections, while a Reference Desk and computer workstations are also available.
The 2nd Floor houses Book Rooms 3,4,5 & 6 that hold back issues of Journals, bound in volumes or unbound. Book Room 6 also holds :
- Reference Material
- Undergraduate thesis
- Post graduate thesis
- PhDs
- Digital material
The same floor houses - in a specially designed Room- the rare & valuable book collection and a Conference Room
The 3rd floor houses the following
- the Main Reference Desk
- Computer workstations
- Reference Material & Maps Collection
- Reading Rooms
- Latest books & Journals showroom
- Group Study Rooms
- Workstations for people with disabilities
- Interlibrary Loan & Documentation Department
- Circulation Department
Reading Rooms
The Library is equipped with four (4) modern Reading Rooms offering 450 study spots.
The 4th floor houses
- the Secretariat Department
- Computer workstations
- Lecture/ Events Hall
- NKUA's Library & Information Centre Office/ Head Librarian Office
- Financial Management Office
- Cataloguing & Classification Department
- Informatics Support & Publications Department
Group Study Rooms
The 3rd floor of the Library is equipped with 3 Group Study Rooms (ΑΟΜ) of 6 people capacity each.
Visiting Hours are Monday to Friday 08:30 - 18:00.
Interested parties are informed for the availability of the Group Study Rooms in the Library's main Reference Desk on the 3rd Floor.
Prerequisite for the use of a study Group Room is that the group interested, must consist of at least 3 people - library members
Each group has a 3 hour stay limit in the Study Rooms, with the right to a time extension, only in case of low demand.
Library Collections
The Library's collection covers the following fields
- Biology
- Earth Sciences & Geology
- Mathematics
- Informatics & Telecommunications
- Pharmacology
- Physics
- Chemistry
The collection is divited in terms of access in
Open Access Collection
includes books, textbooks, dictionaries, journals, digital material, grey bibliography (PhD, thesis, master thesis), paper reprints, lecture notes, encyclopedias, maps.. The books are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System, while Journals are organized under title in stict alphabetical order.
Limited Access Collection
includes rare and valuable material which is placed in a special designed Room. Users have access to the Collection, ONLY with permission, for a limited time frame & only within the Library's Reading Rooms, indicated by the Library Staff.
The Library of the School of Sciences welcomes all donations, provided that the donation material agrees with the development objectives of the library collection.
There are certain criteria that are taken into consideration, during the evaluation of the donated material, as follows;
- The historical value and rarity of the donated material
- The affinity of the donated material with the scientific fields the Library covers & addresses
- The overall condition of the donated material
- The need to cover any shortage in the library collections
- The need for multiple copies especially on items on high demand by users
- The storage and maintenance costs
- The storage space available to store and display the donated material
Donations are kindly declined when the following apply;
- The donated material is freely distributed on the internet
- Cram school material
Electronic material can be accepted as donation, as long as it falls under the aforementioned criteria and the Library is able to maintain the technological equipment essential for its use.
Library Board
Professor Ioannis Emmanouil, Dean of the School of Science, Mathematics Department
- Professor Margarita Arianoutsou, Biology Department
- Professor Maria Triantafillou, Department of Geology & Earth Sciences
- Associate Professor Eustathios Arapostathis, Department of History & Philosophy of Sciences
- Professor Gerasimos Barbatis , Mathematics Department
- Associate Professor Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, Informatics Department
- Associate Professor Margarita- Niki Asimakopoulou, Physics Department
- Associate Professor Patrina Paraskeuopoulou, Chemistry Department
- Profressor Panagiotis Marakos, Pharmacy Department
- Valsamis Valsamakis, Head Librarian of NKUA Library & Information Centre Directorate / Library of the School of Sciences' Operator Manager
- Konstandinos Viglas, NKUA Libraries Computer Center Manager
- Myrto Ghiouli, Minutes Secretary
Library Staff
Head Librarians
Head Librarian of NKUA Library & Information Center / Manager of the Library of the School of Sciences
Valsamis Valsamakis - Head Librarian - tel. (+30) 210 727 6527 -vvalsam(at)libadm.uoa.gr
Erasmia Galazoudi (Assistant Manager to the Head Librarian / Reference Department Manager -tel. (+30) 210 727 6487 - egalaz(at)uoa.gr
Secretariat Department - Financial & "Eudoxos" Management Office
Katerina Paschalidou - Librarian -tel. (+30) 210 727 6535 - paschalidou(at)geol.uoa.gr
Administrative Personnel
Spiridoula Skenderi- tel. (+30) 210 767 6490- sskederi(at)uoa.gr
Spiridoula Tsoufi -tel. (+30) 210 727 6517- stsoufi(at)uoa.gr
Reference, Circulation & Interlibrary Loan Department
Erasmia Galazoudi -Laboratory Technologist- tel. (+30) 210 727 6487 - egalaz(at)uoa.gr
Interlibrary Loan Department Manager
Panagiota Papakonstandopoulou - Librarian - tel. (+30) 210 727 6486- ypapakon(at)uoa.gr
Nickoletta Androutsou - Librarian - tel. (+30) 210 727 6533 - nandrout(at)uoa.gr
Dimitris Boumbakis - Librarian - tel. (+30) 210 727 6521 - dvoumvak(at)uoa.gr
Chrysa Doumendjianou - Librarian -tel. (+30) 210 727 6534 - xdoumetz(at)uoa.gr
Annita Tsili - Librarian -tel. (+30) 210 6532 - atsili(at)uoa.gr
Cataloging Department
(Monographs) Pigi Limberi - Librarian- tel. (+30) 210 727 6528 - pliberi(at)uoa.gr
(Journals) Panagiota Nastouli -Librarian -tel. (+30) 210 727 6529 - reanastouli(at)uoa.gr
Lida Kalandjopoulou -Librarian - tel (+30) 210 727 6520- lkalantz(at)uoa.gr
Philippa Liakopoulou - Librarian - tel. (+30) 210 727 6523 - fliako(at)uoa.gr
Maria Jimoka - Librarian - tel.(30) 210 727 6522 - mtzimoka(at)uoa.gr
Department of History & Philosophy of Sciences
Georgia Dounia - Librarian -tel. (+30) 210 727 5559 -gedounia(at)uoa.gr
Anastasios Belalis - Librarian -tel. (+30) 210 727 5559 - abelalis(at)uoa.gr
Rules & Regulations
The operation of the Library of the School of Sciences is determined by its Rules & Regulations
- Address: University Campus Zografou, PC 15784
- Telephone:Loan dept.(+30) 210 727 6519, Secreteriat & Pergamos (+30) 210 727 6517 Eudoxos (+30) 210 727 6535
- FAX (+30) 210 727 6524
- Visiting Hours : Monday to Friday 08:30 - 18:00, Secretariat & Interlibrary Loan dept Monday to Friday 08:30 - 15 00
- email :sci(at)lib.uoa.gr
As of 2013, the Department of History & Philosophy of Sciences is, according to Act 2. (85/2013), a branch of the School of Sciences thus including the Department's Library.
- Address: University Campus Zografou (until the completion of the transfer and the incorporation of its entire collection, the Library is being temporally housed in the Department's building)
- Telephone : (+30) 210 727 5559
- Visiting Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 - 15:30